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System for complaint and suggestion making

A.N.M.A.T. implemented a system for making complaints and suggestions with a view to enhancing its management capabilities in terms of citizenry´s needs and demands. You can take a part in this system by means of a form especially designed and which is available below. Your complaints and suggestions may concern particular procedure failures, dissatisfaction in general, proposal of ideas or initiatives to optimize the operation or any other approach on improving the quality of the services A.N.M.A.T. offers. Once the form has been filled out, you will be able to send it immediately by any of the following means:
1.- E-mail: responde@anmat.gov.ar 2.- Fax: (54 11) 4340-0800 1159 3.- On line
The Department of Institutional Relations and Social Communication (54 11 4340 0800 ext. 1159) is responsible for receiving complaints and suggestions and forwarding them to the concerned areas, ensuring that the three communication alternatives hereby offered succeed in providing citizens with the possibility of giving in the form in the manner they find most convenient to obtain an immediate response to their demands. Complaint and/or suggestion form
Avenida de Mayo 869 (C1084AAD) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina - Tel: 54-11-4340-0800